Prof. Dr. Rahmita Wirza O.K. Rahmat

Department of Multimedia, Fakulti Sains Komputer dan Teknologi Maklumat,

Universiti Putra Malaysia, UPM,

43400, Serdang, Selangor Darul Ehsan, Malaysia

Email: rahmita(alias-symbol)upm(dot)edu(dot)my 

We start with research, that blooms into teaching materials, which comes to fruition through publication, and finally maturing into consultation and commercialization 

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In 1989 and 1994, Rahmita received B.Sc. and M.Sc. degrees in Science Mathematics from University Science Malaysia. Rahmita worked as a research assistant in the Department of Physics at University Science Malaysia from 1989 to 1990, experimenting on Ozone layer monitoring in the Equatorial region, before moving on to Universiti Putra Malaysia as a tutor. She earned a PhD in Computer Assisted Engineering from the University of Leeds in the United Kingdom. She is currently employed as a lecturer in the Faculty of Computer Science and Information Technology (Professor in Computer Graphics). Currently, Computer Graphics and Applications, Computer Assisted Surgery, and Augmented Reality are her main research interests.


She has conducted 20 research grants and has had her work published in over 100 journals, 60 proceedings, 7 book chapters, and two international books. She has graduated 28 research students for whom she served as the primary supervisor. She has supervised over 100 BSc final year projects and over 40 MSc (without thesis) projects. She was also able to patent eight of her study findings. She held six conferences and two workshops a few years ago. Several of her research projects have received medals at national and UPM research exhibition. She has been a panel assessor for the Malaysian Qualifications Agency since 2008. Computer Research Group is founded, subsequently changing its name to Computer Graphics, Vision, and Visualization Research Group (CGV2).

She is also a member of the Computer Assisted Surgery and Diagnostic (CASD) Special Interest Research Group, which she co-founded. She was a member of the task force committee that prepared the draught for the Memorandum of Agreement for Computer Assisted Surgery and Diagnostic Special Interest Research Group between UPM, UKM, and IJN, which was successfully signed by all parties on February 15, 2013, and last for five years. She has just concluded working on a project to create an interactive Augmented Reality textbook for the Ministry of Education with a group from the BSTP section of the Education Ministry. She has delivered students products to Pharmaniaga pharmaceutical company  as an initial project towards consultation collaboration project. 

My short CV

Current research interests: Augmented reality interaction, adaptive and personalized eLearning, computer assisted medical images diagnosis, 3D digital twin and deepfakes. 


Doctor of Philosophy (Computer Assisted Engineering), University of Leeds, UK (completed 2000) 

Master of Science (Computer Aided Geometric Design), Universiti Science Malaysia (completed in 1994)

Bachelor of Science (Mathematic), Universiti Science Malaysia (Completed in 1989)


1989-1990, Research officer, School of Physics, University Science of Malaysia (USM)

1990-1991, Postgraduate Practical Assistance, Schools of Mathematics, University Science of Malaysia (USM)

1991-1994, Tutor, Faculty of Science, Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM) 

2000-2008, Lecturer (DS45-DS52)

2008-2017, Associate Prof. (DS54)

2017-current, Prof (VK7)

Research ID

H-index (WoS) : 1

H-index (scopus) : 16  (citation: 709)
H-index (google scholar) : 20 (citation: 1475)

Web of Science Researcher ID : AAI-2256-2019 

Scopus author id : Rahmat, R.W.O.K. (35614233000) 

IEEE member id : 97805691

ACM member id : 5679383

Mygrant id :   15956


The accurate measurement of complex surfaces is difficult. Accuracy demands precision in measuring technology, i.e., the measuring machine and precise mathematical representation of complex geometries. his thesis introduces a method of measuring a complex surface using a Coordinate Measuring Machine and, in this case, mathematically representing the measured surfaces. This enables comparison with other surfaces, e.g., the as-designed or original unworn surface. The measurement of the knee prosthesis was taken as a case study. To measure accurately the complex surface, this thesis proposes a method based on a surface fitting technique. Several techniques are available, such as Bézier, B-Spline and NURBS; in this case, the author has chosen the Bézier technique. The author has chosen the surface interpolation technique of scattered data to represent the complex surface with minimum measuring points. Due to the complexity of the shape, it is better to use triangular patches than rectangular patches. The work is an extension and combination of techniques suggested by Goodman and Said. The need to accurately measure the amount of wear particles released from the knee joint implanted during operation within the human body is becoming important. This amount of wear is critical to the joint's life expectancy. The volume of material can be calculated by accurately measuring the knee joint surface and subsequently determining the small difference between the measurements before and after wear testing. The main objective of this research is to accurately measure and represent a complex surface, e.g. the surface of the knee joint prosthesis so that minimal changes in the surface can be detected. The author has produced a planning strategy for the measurement. This proposed plan involves taking several points on the knee, using the fitting technique to produce a set of points and producing a CMM program to measure one whole knee for each design. This proposed measurement plan also involves approximating the original surface of the ex-plant because, in most cases, the surgeon does not have a blueprint or original design for the knee joint.